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Gearing Up for Winter Sailing

During my admittedly few winters above the frost-belt, I have only fond memories of the last few days of the season. And Ive always...

Floating Through the Winter Season

As temperatures on Tampa Bay area dip into a bone chilling 49 degrees this morning, I again find myself sympathizing with my friends in...

Cold Weather Clothes to Extend the Sailing Season

Whether you want to cruise the higher latitudes or extend your sailing season this winter, you'll need to think about clothing. Over the years,...
The Gill Pro Long Finger ($50) is Practical Sailor's top pick for sailing gloves.

Five Best Gloves: Sailing and DIYing in All Weather

Hands take a beating while sailing, from chafe, pressure points, cuts and cold. Hard heads will say “you just need to let the calluses...

Five Best Cheap Clothing Options for Cold-Weather Sailing

Some of us go sailing in the rain in warm weather. Some go sailing in the winter. But day sailors—and that’s most of the...
Cow Bay Marina in Prince Rupbert, British Columbia. (Photo/ Roland Stockham)

Sailing the Pacific Northwest (PNW): Costs and Practicalities

The stretch of coast known as the Pacific Northwest (PNW) is one of the largest and most diverse sailing grounds in the world. It...

Treatments to Preserve Ropes and Lines through the Seasons

More sailors in colder climates are finding ways to extend their sailing season through the winter, and we’ve provided a ton of research on...
If you're looking to tie up and explore New York City on foot, there are various small marinas and moorings. However, there are more options across the river in New Jersey where you can dock and take a short ferry to NYC. (Photo/ Kim Saylor)

How Much Does It Cost to Keep a Boat on the Hudson River, New...

I have a pocket dictionary I keep in the navigation desk of our 1978 Catalina 30 called Sailing: The Fine Art of Getting Wet...

Trouble-Free Winter Sailing

For most sailors the off-season begins on Labor Day, which is a shame because fall brings the best sailing of the year in many...

Winter Sailing Tips for Diehards

For many seasonal sailors, the winterizing routine is already well underway. But there are more than a few diehard sailors in the mid-Atlantic regions,...