Tools & Gadgets

Mailport: 12/06

MARINE INSURANCE REDUXI have been reading with much interest your articles about marine insurance this year (April and May 2006). Every year, I look...

Quickline Takes a Load Off

Using an elastic nylon riding stopper (aka snubber) is always recommended when deploying an all-chain rode. Snubbers act as shock absorbers between rode and...

Inflatable Boat Fenders Test

DACA Chief Executive Officer Bruce Nelson explained that StowAway fenders are usually used for occasional use or to have as extras."Our fenders are not...

SteriPEN Portable UV Water Purifier

Cruising sailors who venture to the fringes of civilization, or to attractive but perhaps unsanitary foreign ports, or even to unfamiliar marinas, often have...

Diddy Bagg is More Than a Tool Bag

Practical Sailor testers are constantly schlepping tools between the Practical Sailor workshop, our own garages, and—of course—our boats. So we’re always on the lookout...

Sailboat vs Fishing Boat – Rules of the Road

Join us as we explore the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) and uncover the nuances of right of way between sailboats...