Mailport & PS Advisor

Mailport 01/15/01

Freewheeling PropRe: the recent correspondence on prop drag and freewheeling (November 1, 2000). Surely the answer is straightforward. If you have a pressure-lubricated gear...

PS Advisor 01/01/01

Spinnaker BlocksIve been trying to rig my Catalina 22 for a spinnaker and generally upgrade the rigging. I have not been able to get...

Mailport 01/01/01

True Wind CorrectionThe obvious answer to Wayne Richards question on the back page of Junes issue is that if you are doing 5 knots...

PS Advisor 12/00

Cracked Polyethylene TanksI contacted a company called Master Bond, Inc., in Hackensack, New Jersey (201/343-8983). They have an adhesive called X17 they claim works...

Mailport 12/00

Dear Readers:Below youll find observations from fellow Practical Sailor subscribers commenting on the introduction of First, we wish to thank those readers who...

PS Advisor 03/99

Keeping Props CleanOn page 11 of the November 1, 1998 issue, there is a photo of the Max-Prop. It has "new zincs, a grease...

Mailport 03/99

Monel Keel BoltsOn the Rhodes Reliant, designed by Philip Rhodes and built by Cheoy Lee between 1964-68, the external lead keel is secured by...

PS Advisor 04/01/98

To Move or Sell?I am relocating the Portland, Oregon to Lake Huron. I have an Aloha 34 which I am very attached to. However,...

Mailport 04/01/98

Brass Valve Follow-upYour recent article ("Beware Brass Valves Used as Seacocks," December, 1997) has caused some confusion. We share your concern for the use...

PS Advisor 11/15

How Long Do Diesels Last?We took our boat out of the Freedom Yacht Charters fleet service in the British Virgin Islands and had it...

Bavaria C42: What You Should Know | Boat Tour

Looking to buy a 40-45 foot sailboat? Considering a Bavaria C42? See a Bavaria 42 for sale? What are the pros and cons of...