Inside Practical Sailor

Bottom Paint Makers face Irgarol Shortage

Antifouling paint manufacturers are reporting that Irgarol, a pesticide commonly used as a boosting agent in antifouling paints, is in short supply in the...

Don’t Kill That New AGM Battery

By now, many sailors have enjoyed their first long weekend on the boat this year, and some may have noticed that the expensive absorbed...

Do-It-Yourself Bird Deterrents

As we found in our last major test of bird deterrents, there is no perfect solution for every bird problem, but we've come across...

Pain-free Marine Electronics Updates

We all know the guy who updated his trusty chartplotter and lost all the waypoints he'd saved over years. I don't want to be...

What’s Hiding in Your Rig?

When awakening your boat from its winter slumber a rig check should be high on the list of priorities. Even though the boat has...

The Right Caulk for Your Boat

The sudden and complete failure of 3M's 4000UV adhesive sealant after five years of exposure, discussed in the upcoming December 2021 issue of Practical...

Can Carbon Foam Batteries Meet Hype?

In the May issue of Practical Sailor, one battery stood out from the others in its ability to recover from what we call partial...

PS Tests and the Death Spiral of Curiosity

The next few months will be busy. The particularly brutal winter of 2014-2015 drove many of our testers into their workshops, and now they...

Varnish Touch-ups and Take-downs

To keep brightwork healthy, approach it as you (hopefully) do your own health. Set a regular maintenance schedule (like an annual checkup), keep a...

Mechanical Rigging Terminals: To Seal or Not

Technical Editor Ralph Naranjo's market survey of mechanical rigging terminals in the June 2015 issue of Practical Sailor demonstrated just how long these terminals...

Tayana 37: What You Should Know | Boat Review

Looking to buy a 35-40 foot sailboat? Considering a Tayana 37? See a Tayana 37 for sale? What are the pros and cons of...