The reader will notice that the title is not “How to Build a Wooden Wheel”. I don’t pretend to be a carpenter or shipwright, and have limited skills and tools. And I am certainly not saying that this is “the right way” to build a wood wheel. But, having always coveted a wooden rim on a sailboat wheel, this is how I managed to do it at minimal costs.
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Excellent work! This is the stuff that makes Practical Sailor great.
The one correction I would make is the authors comment on having “…limited skills…”. This is not an easy project. The results look spectacular.
Thanks for the comment. Believe me when I say I’m not a wood worker! The greatest fear was losing a finger in the table saw or router! The project was just a logical progression, one step at a time, how am I going to accomplish the next step. And fortune shone down on me! I’ve constructed two since for sailing buddies, one is somewhere in the south Pacific on a Hans Christian 48, the other hanging over a fireplace since the owner sold the boat, kept the wheel. But it’s a very high-risk project and very labor intensive.
Beautiful! Love the craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful work. Good on ya! And thanks for sharing, as well…
Wow Bert, as a fine woodworker myself that is quite a feat. That’s an awesome job my friend, my goodness! Actually right now I’m trying to find my own “Wheel” to put on a cruiser, for myself to get out on a long long sail, before I make one for myself though, (before I get to old… LOL).
Thanks for the comment Ed. Life is all about priorities. I was fortunate enough that my wife and daughter allowed me, and accompanied me, through our sailing adventures. You can’t buy back time or memories. Get out while you can. And then capture the moments with our modern technology for those coming days when the body gives up and sailing is no longer an option. Sailboat – powerboat – motor home – rest home. I’ve resisted the transitions so far!