Construction Quality Draws Testers Attention

Holdover capacity was a measure of how well a water heater retained heat after it had been raised to 120 degrees. We simply allowed...

How to Measure Boat Humidity: Psychrometric Charts Do It Right

Insulation is a greater energy-saving expedient; if our heater or air conditioner is undersized, fixing drafts, shading or insulating windows, and insulating non-cored laminate...

Preventing and Treating the Tainted Tank

Foul tank water is completely preventable. Here are some dos and don'ts for a healthy water tank. Dont place glycol or other winterizing agents...

Solar-powered Bilge Pumps Bail Out Small Boats

SeaJouleBased in New York, SeaJoule Marine Inc. manufactures two solar bilge pumps, one with a fixed solar panel and one with a remote panel;...

Portable Heads

As boatowners have had to cope with local no-discharge regulations, many have decided to yank their conventional heads for a far simpler solution: the...

Marine Sanitation: 8-Way Hose Test

SeaLand Technology of Big Prairie, Ohio, manufactures marine sanitation systems. It’s all they do. Their product lines include heads, polyethylene tanks, tissue paper, hoses...

marinCool Peltier Effect Refrigeration

Just as theres more than one way to skin a cat, theres more than one way to chill a beer. Serious cruisers usually opt...

Testers Check Growth in the Lab and on the Boat

When testing a chemicals toxicity and its ability to biodegrade, a common procedure is to dilute each target chemical at various ratios of interest,...

Practical Sailor Puts Monster-Sized Coolers Through a Melt Down

In a sailboat, "refrigeration" is a somewhat vague term. It could refer to a built-in, compressor-driven system designed to cool food and drinks as...

Real-world Advice from Holding Tank Makers

Before beginning a series of tests, we always involve the manufacturers. They have a wealth of information they are happy to share, in the...

What Is The Best Folding Bike For Your Sailboat?

This week we explore what the best folding bike is to keep on your sailboat and compare the time honored Dahon Folding Bike with...