Survival at Sea – The Complete Series


Owning a boat and being on the water can be one of lifes most relaxing and rewarding experiences. But are you prepared for possible nautical emergencies? In this ground-breaking 4-part series from Practical Sailor you’ll learn what you need to have onboard to remain safe.

Choosing The Right Life Raft – Learn which life rafts were the safest and easiest to operate (is automatic deployment really safer?). Includes a special Life Raft Value Guide.

Ditch Bags and Emergency Gear -Make sure you have all the supplies necessary for emergency survival (yes – you do need a compass, and only one Kit supplied one!). A comprehensive guide to what you’ll need, and what is available, if you must abandon ship.

Onboard First Aid – A complete guide to the basic, and not-so-basic medical supplies you need to have onboard. Reviews near-shore and off-shore kits (is yours water-tight?) and what you’ll need to supplement them.

Survival Electronics -Discover why these devices are a must-have for any sailor. Evaluates the usability and functionality of the wide-range of man-overboard devices now on the market. It’s imperative you have the right device onboard.

Choosing the proper emergency items can be a life and death decision. Eliminate the guesswork and order this downloadable landmark series today!

*Please note: This is a downloadable E-book.
