Comprehensive Galley and On-board Cooking Guide 2: Stoves, Ovens, and Grills


Burgers? Check. Steaks? Check. Kabobs? Check. Buns? Check. Salads and sides? Check. Condiments? Check.

You’re preparing for a fun-filled evening cruise. The boat is ready and you have your provisions packed and ready to go. With the sun setting and being a half-mile offshore, the last thing you need or expect is a problem with your grill. But it can happen.

Why worry about one more thing? How can you ensure your cooking appliances are right for you, your boat and are dependable? Download a copy of the ebook, Stoves, Ovens and Grills, the 2nd Volume in the Practical Sailor series, The Comprehensive Galley and On-board Cooking Guide and learn the best, most reliable models for all sailing and uses.

In Stoves, Ovens and Grills, you’ll see what Practical Sailors tests and evaluations say about marine ovens, ranges and cooktops. Dimensions, capacities, ease of use, flaws and more. Youll read our tester’s insights into the best grills and the ones to stay away from. Youll get the pros and cons of various slow cooking methods and devices from crockpots to thermoss to retained-heat bags.

Find the right method, device and model for boat and cruising lifestyle in Practical Sailors ebook, Stoves, Ovens and Grills. Order today!

*Please note: This is a downloadable E-book.

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