Feature-loaded High-end Marine Handheld VHF Radios
Like the inexpensive handheld VHFs we reviewed in the April 2009 issue, high-end radios are handy to have as backups to a fixed VHF...
Marine Handheld GPS Test Update
A handheld GPS fits the needs of most daysailors, racers, and weekend cruisers, and at less cost than a fixed chartplotter. With updated charts,...
Next Best Thing
While world leaders and presumed financial wizards set to work trying to right the global economy with some very expensive bailers and sponges, Practical...
Budget-friendly Handheld and Fixed-mount VHF Radios
As a follow up to Practical Sailors recent marine electronics report on mid-priced VHF radios, we evaluated three entry-level fixed-mount VHFs and three entry-level...
Practical Sailor Tests Two New Handheld GPS Units from Garmin
Garmin’s new scroll-wheel Colorado 400c and touchscreen Oregon 400c offer some unique features, but their multi-sport focus falls short in satisfying all of a...
Solo Sailors Gear Box
The 30th anniversary of the Singlehanded TransPac (SHTP), which starts July 12, includes an entry list of widely diverse designs with most of the...
Solo Sailors Gear Box
The 30th anniversary of the Singlehanded TransPac (SHTP), which starts July 12, includes an entry list of widely diverse designs with most of the...