
Offshore Sailing tip #3

Marking SailsA few minutes with a waterproof marker can save a lot of time when you are changing sails on a dark and stormy...

Tidal Stream – Tip #1

The effect of a tidal stream is a significant factor when navigating on any point of sailing, but can be crucial when sailing to...

The Essential Knot Book for Boats tip #1

Excerpted from: The Essential Knot Book for Boats, Fourth EditionHandling Ropes and LinesNot surprisingly, some consideration has to be given to the handling and...

The Annapolis Book of Seamanship tip #2

Tips for Safer SailingBe forehanded. Here are two definitions. 1) The rule of 6 Ps: Proper prior preparation prevents piss-poor results. 2) Youre preparing...

Sailing a Serious Ocean tip #3

Heavy Weather Myths Debunked Before getting into fitting-out for heavy weather and preparing for storms before they arrive, lets debunk a few common myths....

The Annapolis Book of Seamanship Tip #1

Excerpted from The Annapolis Book of Seamanship, Fourth EditionHANDS ON: Near a PierA large proportion of accidents around boats take place at the dock....

Sailing A Serious Ocean tip # 2

Excerpt from Sailing A Serious Ocean - by John KretschmerRic and Diane were on watch as we approached the northern edge of the Gulf...

Sailing a Serious Ocean tip #1

Standing WatchAs you probably suspect already, and will certainly know if you continue reading this book, I am not a skipper who blindly adheres...

Seamanship Secrets #4

Secrets of the Most Accurate LOP on EarthWhen the two charted objects line up as viewed from your boat - say a church spire...

Seamanship Secrets tip #3

How to Correct for Leeway Wind DriftAll vessels tend to sideslip, or make leeway, except with the wind dead ahead or astern. High-freeboard power...

How to Clean Your Sail Track

Main sail giving you trouble? If hoisting or taking down your main sail is difficult, main sail track cleaning may be just what you...

Latest Sailboat Review

Cheoy Lee Clipper 36 & 42 Used Boat Review

Cheoy Lee Shipyards of Hong Kong has been a commercial builder since the early 1900s and is one of the first molders of fiberglass...